Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I'm listening to Dave again ha. I had an okay day today. I mean, it was good because I got to hang out with alot of friends and joke around and have fun and stuff, but it wasn't good because I my last class ended at 10:20 and I had nothing to do until 4:45... Haha, but like I said, it was good because I had all of my friends to hang out with and keep me busy in between their classes lol. So yeah, actually I had a good day lol. I dropped history... it was a test based class and I don't like that... haha. So I dropped it. One of my classes was canceld, so thats why I was done at 10:20 today.
Anyways I'm pretty tired, so I'm going to go lay down for a little bit, then go to bed. Haha. I have health from 9:30 to 10:50 I think, and then Television Production from 2-4:20 lol. Fun stuff folks ha.
everclear Pictures, Images and Photos
"Sometimes I get to a point where I don't give a damn about anything anymore."

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