Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Idea's

So I'm on the computer at OCC because some fucker is sitting in my seat at the cafe! Haha. After my class, I sit there everyday, alone, and then by the time I leave I am surrounded by dozens of friends. That's how it works, I'm the Star Of Bethlahem, and my friends are like the Three Wise Men, the come to me. Haha, that sounds kind of cocky. I don't know haha. Anyways I should be in Digital Audio Production, well in the recording studio, but I don't feel my voice is up to par to record so I'm going to record Monday. I'm listening to my iPod while I type this. I'm listening to Pearl Jam and Green Day, going back and forth you know? I can't wait for Green Day's new album!!! May 2009 fuckers! I'm going when they tour! Haha. Pearl Jam just rereleased Ten, their first album. I bought it ofcourse haha. Even though I own the original!!! Haha. I think I'm up to 558 CD's now, although it's not like I'm counting... Haha ofcourse I am!!! I'm soo excited about Dave! I can't wait! Second fucking row! I gotta make Amanda some CD's of Dave so she'd know the songs haha. I can't wait! I know I'm going to have a fuckinbg blast! DAVE FUCKING MATTHEWS BAND LIVE LIVE LIVE!!! That's another CD I can't wait for, Dave's new studio! June 2nd! They pushed back the date on it, it was suppose to be April something. I'm so excited, it's not even funny. It actually is kind of funny haha. 2009 has been a great year so far! Yes, I've had tough moments and downs but I got through them, and I will get through them. You have to styay positive, that's the key. It truely is, it sounds so stupid and silly, but it is true. So stay positive! I have a few friends I need to get together with and make some video's with. We've got the creamer one we gotta make haha. I came up with some more idea's for it this morning, and I also came up with 2 other videos this mornming! Ideas are flowing! I've been writing so many poems/songs lately too, and not my sappy depressing ones like I usually do, but actually "happy" ones I guess you could say haha, well they're not ddepressing haha. I want a fucking Milkshake right now. Peanut Butter Chocolate! Mhmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think I might go get one, they're 3 bucks, but you know, they're fucking deliciuous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also gotta pee... Haha. So I think I'm out for now.
green day billie Pictures, Images and Photos
"Oh nice guys finish last when you are the outcast. Don't pat yourself on the back, you might break your spine."

Friday, March 20, 2009

My Insane Idea

So I just had a thought, I have no idea who fucking reads my bullshit here, but I wonder if I could convince them that I am insane. I'm not insane, some would beg to differ haha, but seriously though, I'm a funny person and I'm always joking around so what better of a joke than to convince people that when I'm joking about something that I'm actually being serious. Like if I write something that to me is funny, but I say it in a serious tone, you know? haha. Idk, here is an example...
"I notice that as the daylight becomes longer, the more and more I find myself hiding in my room with all the windows shut and all the lights off. I can't stand the light. It drives me insane. I think I'm losing my mind. Today I saw a little kid cross the street and all I could think about was hitting him with my car. Watching the kid cry for help as I just put my car in reverse and hit him again. I found humor in it too, and I chuckled. Then the boy really did get hit, not by me, but by a pastor's Pontiac, how ironic? I did laugh though. The parents of the child were not happy with me, especially when I told them that I wished it was me driving."
Hahaha I don't know man, that's really fucked up. None of that stuff really happened haha. Don't take any of that seriously! Well I'm out. I'm done with it. I'm done with everything, it's up to you to save me, for you. Does that make sense? I have no fucking clue.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My Dark Side Of The Moon

It's been a while. I haven't had anything to "vent" about. My life has been going great and ofcourse some bad shit has happened and I've had down times, but I just stay positive and with the help of some close friends, I get through them. Whether that be venting to one of my best friends or just hanging out with people and having a good time, forgetting about things. My uncle's birthday was a few days ago. March 12. He would have been 44. The night before was a down time for me, and I called upon a few people for help, I needed someone that night. But only one person was there for me. The next day I was okay. I just kept texting my friend all day and stayed positive all day, and I pulled through. I'm hanging out with her later today, but first I am buying my Dave Matthews Band tickets!!! They go on sale at 10 am. I can't wait. Alex told me I can't get my Dave tattoo until I see him live, but I think I'm going to get it before haha. Very soon, very soon. I have the money now. I'm working more, and I'm making more, and I'm showing more effort and everytime I pick up my check, my boss gives me a bonus. It's pretty sweet. I just recieved $250 in the mail the other day for no apparent reason haha and I bought a new iPod. It's 120 GB! Haha. Now I NEVER have to delete anything!!! lol. I sold my old one to my brother for 50 bucks. What a bargin on his part, because I didn't delete the music haha there was alot of Dave on there. I also bought The Doors Perception. It's the box set of The Doors. It has 6 CDs and 6 DVDs. A DVD for each album. It's amazing. I now own all The Doors CDs. And it's about time, because they are one of my favorite bands and have been since I was a wee lad and I never owned their discography, like I do with everyone else lol. Hmm... What else is new? Oh, I no longer go up to people. Like, when I get out of class I go to the cafe, and I'll sit alone... and then everyday, by the end of the day, I'm surrounded by a huge groups of friends. They come to me, haha. I think thats cool. It feels good, you know? Sometimes I'd like to be left alone haha but I don't mind. If people enjoy my company, then why should I care? I'm a funny guy =P I'm listening to Dave ofcourse, Stuck On You, a cover by Elvis. (Dave does it better) Haha. I never liked Pink Floyd, I just couldn't grasp them. Like, they were too out there for me, you know? But do to some recent events (haha) I now like them. The Dark Side Of The Moon is sooo good and so is Wish You Were Here. I fell asleep on the bus ride home a few days ago listening to Dark Side haha. I know I wanted to stick with Scrubs things for this, but idk what to call this one... My Tickets? My Doors? My Dave? My Dark Side Of The Moon? Hmm I like that last one haha.
Dave Matthews Band 6 Pictures, Images and Photos
"I find sometimes it's easy to be myself, sometimes I find it's better to be somebody else."